Invest in HR

Make sure your Employee Value Proposition is working

Let Your Team Work From Anywhere

In the office, out of the office, on the go (mobile), or hybrid, Employees need to move seamlessly between work environments, and between devices
Kunin AI collates insights in the background regardless of work location or device, and presents in one cohesive view

Enable Flexible Scheduling

Capitalize on work schedules that align with most productive times

Provide the flexibility for employees to create their own schedules, guided by the Manager or Department schedule, enabling them to choose times when they are most productive while supporting the needs of your organization

Support All Talent Strategies

Buy, Build, or Borrow, today’s talent pool is diverse and flexible. Our solution’s simplicity of implementation and ease of use allows you to empower talent inside and outside of your organization

  • Full Time (buy)
  • Part Time (buy)
  • Up-skill (build)
  • Contract/Freelance/Gig (borrow)

Facilitate Performance Reviews

Access performance notes inline to facilitate future performance discussions

Promote Employee Wellness

Alerted based on Employee schedules when Employees are

  1. Working too much
  2. Not taking breaks
  3. Working outside of their defined working hours

Promote Transparency

Transparency is a critical success factor with any solution.  Reference inline your policies on how and what data is collected, why, and what to do if the data collected has been misused.